


One-hour Reading or Soul Counseling
Relationship Reading
Baby or Child Astrology Chart
Event Date / Time Selection Report and Analysis
$140.00 / £75 / €100

Half-hour Mini-Reading: $70.00 / £40 / €50

Book your reading or counselling session with Mara Freeman through PayPal.

See order form below.

As soon as your payment is received, you will receive an email or phone call to set up the time of your appointment. In many cases, same day appointments are available.

There is no charge for the phone call as Mara will call you, wherever you live in the world.

A free recording of your session is included.

$140 | £75 | 100
$70 | £40 | 50
In US Dollars ($)
In US Dollars ($)
In UK Pounds (£) *
In UK Pounds (£) *
In Euros ()
In Euros ()
Call for details:
From USA: (free) 1 800 657 1520
Worldwide: (+44)7944 137 892
From UK: 07944 137 892
© 2021 The Chalice Centre
Western Esoteric Wisdom
Celtic Magical Traditions

The website of Mara Freeman