After nineteen years of wonderful trips to the most amazing sacred places of Britain and Ireland, Mara is now retiring from Celtic Spirit Journeys.
However, you will still be able to go on one of our most popular tours, Spirit of Scotland: Mystical Highlands and Islands. For the past five years this special journey has been led by Scottish bard and storyteller, Scot an Sgeulaiche, and Scot will be offering the same journey through his own company.

You can find out more on:

  This journey was beyond my wildest dreams – Amazing! I most enjoyed connections with the Ancestors, the people/new friends (on the journey with me and in towns etc.), the land and stones, the energy and the ways it spoke. Scot is one of the most entertaining, knowledgeable people I have ever run across in that capacity. His stories, humor, understanding of history, geology, geography, mythology, human nature, and much more created an atmosphere of really having a living experience of the land, the country, the people and so on. The accommodation was way beyond expectation! Each place had a charm and beauty of its own, and the food was outstanding. My previous experiences in England and a bit in Scotland did NOT prepare me for what we were treated to in each place.

C.C., Novato, CA
Call for details:
From USA: (free) 1 800 657 1520
Worldwide: (+44)7944 137 892
From UK: 07944 137 892
© 2021 The Chalice Centre
Western Esoteric Wisdom
Celtic Magical Traditions

The website of Mara Freeman